B arth R usso
Takes his first steps in the entertainment world on stilts, and in the street (Batucada ambulatory company "Big barouf"). He trained in the art of clowning, first at Samowar , with Franck Dinet, Ami Hattab, Lory Leshin, then under the direction of Alain Gautré, Michel Dallaire, and Hélène Gustin. Since 2001, he has been a Clown within the
Laugh doctor . He set up and produced two humanitarian projects within the company: the show “Alfredo et Molette” went to Romania.
The tour in the small villages alternates performances of the show and workshops for street children. This remarkable experience confirmed him in his conviction: these two universal disciplines are obvious pretexts for creating social ties.
In 2010, he lends a strong and percussive hand to Clown Without Borders , on an expedition to Madras.
He is at the origin of all the artistic projects of the company: Alfredo and Molette, the concert workshop,
Real facts and Azuli duo. He has been providing training in music and body percussion for various institutions for 7 years. Through the clown and body music, Barth finds the balance, the inspiration and the dynamism essential to a multi-performer artist.
L uc R odriguez
Is a former top athlete in javelin throwing and table tennis, Luc is drawn to the stage. Its mission is to raise awareness of disability. The "Vivre ensemble" association benefits from his enthusiasm and his sense of communication: he invests the high school rooms, armed with a ping-pong table, and invites young people to play a game with him, A nice introduction to open the debate and testimony…
In 2009, he became Mr. Loyal in the show "The Rocket Family Show" of the company ZimZam . Then he trained as a clown at the Samovar. In 2011, he obtained the role of Ramirez in the series "Cloakrooms", an immersion in the world of disabled sports in the form of a satirical and offbeat comedy, broadcast on France 2. In 2012, the meeting with Barth Russo was decisive.
He co-wrote and performs "Actual Facts". By this creation, he seizes the chance, to participate once again in changing the perception of disability, and confirms his talent as an actor.
J ean- C ristophe D efer
Write words, sing them, share them...
Write for, write with...
Layering voices... polyphony... improvisation...
Rubbing the strings, hitting them... pinching them...
Solo, duo, trio...
Performance music...
Today accomplice guide...
To be at the service of... to take care of them...
Don't take your eyes and ears off them...
And do everything to make the party beautiful...
- Composer/performer of the Yaquelles collective (2013)
- Manager Cie Decaleou since 2012 on the show "Faits réel"
- Sound engineer for Vitorino Russo's performances in body percussion (Bart & Églantine/Cie Decaleou) since 2011
- Duo Jahir since 2005 then Jahir in threesome since 2012
- Accompanies as a guitarist the storyteller Stéfanie James since 2010 on Tête de Lune
- Writes the music for the show "Jeune Pousse" Cie Piccola Veloccita still on tour (2012-2013), improvisation and performance with this same company.
- Works with the Télémaque ensemble, sound engineer and back-liner
- Vocal improvisation with "Le Chant du Voisin" (Soundpainting)