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Updated on December 6, 2021

TRAINING 2021/2022

dossier présentation formation

La certification qualité à été délivrée

au titre de la catégorie d'action suivante :


PLANNING 2024/2025

Week end 2024
12/13 octobre 2024 manipulation au théâtre Marie jeanne 06
1, 2 et 3 novembre 2024 construction au CIAM 05
23 et 24 novembre 2024 construction au CIAM 05

Week end 2025
Week end 4/5 janvier 2025 manipulation mise en scène au théâtre Marie jeanne 06

Boeuf marionnettique : montage vendredi 24 janvier 2025 - soirée le 25 janvier 2025
 15 et 16 février 2025 corps espace marionnettes au Pôle 164
8 et 9 mars 2025 construction au CIAM 05
29 et 30 mars 2025 construction  au CIAM 05
Week end du 19 au 21 avril lundi de Pâques 3 jours manipulation au théâtre Marie jeanne 06
Week end 10/11 mai 2025 au théâtre Marie jeanne 06 manipulation mise en scène au théâtre Marie jeanne 06

Émouvantes : montage vendredi 16 mai 2025 - soirée le samedi 17 mai 2025
Stéphane Lefranc

Body music at the service of your profession


Body music is a universal language that leads everyone to express themselves, exchange, listen to their own creativity.

Use your body to create sounds, rhythms and melodies.

Body music generates joy, it is also a powerful tool for creating links within teams and the various audiences who can benefit from it.


You will leave with a fun toolbox that can be adapted to your audience:
For all ages and all conditions, from early childhood to adult, from nursery to EHPAD, able-bodied or disabled public.

We offer each trainee "Barth the game" and a sheet with links to review the tutorial videos of the exercises presented during the training.


An evaluation will be made at the end of each day of training in order to better adapt the following day.


There are no pre-requisites to take the course. No experience or musical background is required.

We invite people with disabilities wishing to benefit from training to identify themselves so that we can put in place accommodation solutions.


The training courses are provided on demand and the prices of which are transmitted only on estimate because each training course is unique depending on the number of trainees and the location.

An agreement (it traces, among other things, the agreements between the client and us on the content of the training, the duration, the dates, the number of trainees and the material resources made available to the client for the training) and an estimate is signed during the negotiation and a reminder email will be sent one week before the first day of training to the contact person.


We adapt to each new training at the request of customers and trainees.


The deadline for setting up an assignment is between 1 and 6 months.

The training lasts 2 days or 12 hours.

Each trainee will be put in a practical position to check their achievements throughout the training, an evaluation at the end of each day will be made by the trainer.

We only train for the moment on order of a customer, we adapt our training to his request the schedule of the day (hours of beginning of break..) on the consecutive days or not.

Presentation of the training

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